Drs Joseph Adler & Frazer Rosenberg

Services and clinics

The doctors offer many services including minor surgery and joint injections, contraceptive advice, antenatal and post-natal checks, childhood surveillance, ECGs, etc.

Baby clinic

Every Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm the Nurse runs a baby clinic for routine childhood vaccinations.

Please call the surgery to make an appointment.

We strongly encourage full immunisation. We participate in the Barnet Child Care System. Patients will receive notification of when immunisations are due. Whenever possible patients should attend the clinic on the week they are called. Colds and sniffles are not a contra-indication to immunisation.

Health visitors

If you live in Golders Green contact Garth Road health visiting team on 0208 209 0333.

If you live in Hendon contact the Hendon health visiting team on 0208 349 7000

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 25th August, 2022